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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10786988"

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FAX NO. 281 834 7413 


Appl.No> 10786,988 

Atty. Docket: 2004B010 

Amendment dated December 22, 2005 

Reply to Office Action mailed October 5, 2005 


Status and Request for Reconsideration 

Reconsideration of this application is requested. The claims submitted for 
reconsideration are claims 9-15 and 17-34. 

Claim 9 has been amended to include the subject matter of now canceled claims 10 and 
14. Claim 17 has been amended to include the subject matter of now canceled claims 20 and 24. 
Claim 26 has been amended to include the subject matter of now canceled claims 28 and 32. 

Claim 34 is newly added. The subject matter of that claim is consistent with a preferred 
embodiment of the invention described at paragraph [001 6]. 

Claims 1 1, 21 , and 28 have been amended to correct claim dependency. Accordingly, no 
new matter has been entered by way of this amendment. 

Claim Rejection - 35 U.S.C § 1 12 

Claims 9-1 5 and 17-33 were rejected under 35 U.S.C § 1 12, second paragraph, for being 
indefinite. This rejection is traversed and reconsideration requested. 

The term "intermediate grade propylene stream" was considered to be unclear. 
Applicants note however that the particular phrase is generally defined at paragraph 0017 of the 
specification. Applicants have amended the claims consistent with the specification, and believe 
the claims to have sufficient clarity such that the rejection should be removed. 

Claim Rejections - 35 U.S.C § 103 

Claims 1-8 have been rejected under 35 U.S.C § 103(a) as being unpatentable over U.S. 
Patent No. 6,660,812 (Keuchler). Those claims having been canceled by this amendment, this 
rejection is now moot. 

Allowability of Claims 

Claims 9-15 and 17-33 were indicated as being allowable if amended to overcome the 
rejection under 35 U.S.C § 112, second paragraph. Upon entTy of this amendment, those claims 
should now be allowed. Since new claim 34 depends from each of die allowable independent 
claims in the alternative, that claim should also be allowed. 

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PAGE 8/9 « RCVD AT 12/22/2005 12:19:19 PM [Eastern Standard Time] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6/28 * DNIS:2738300 * CSID:281 834 7413 * DURATION (mm-ss):02-52 

DEC-22-2005 THU 12:23 PM EXXONMOBIL 

FAX NO. 281 834 7413 


Appl.No. 10786,988 

Atty. Docket: 2004B010 

Amendment dated December 22, 2005 

Reply to Office Action mailed October 5, 2005 


Having demonstrated that all rejections of claims have been overcome, this application is 
in condition for allowance. Accordingly, Applicants request early and favorable reconsideration 
in the form of a Notice of Allowance. 

If there are any questions regarding this amendment or the application in general, a 
telephone call to the undersigned would be appreciated, since this should expedite the 
prosecution of the application for all concerned. 

If necessary to effect a timely response, this paper should be considered as a petition for 
an Extension of Time sufficient to effect a timely response. Please charge any deficiency in fees 
or credit any overpayments to Deposit Account No. 05-1 71 2 (Docket #: 2004B010). 

Post Office Address (to which correspondence is to be sent): 

ExxonMobil Chemical Company 

Law Technology 

P.O. Box 2149 

Baytown, Texas 77522-2149 

Telephone No. (281) 834-1743 

Facsimile No. (281)834-2495 

Respectfully submitted, 

Frank E. Reid 
Attorney for Applicants 
Registration No. 37,918 

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